Publishing Flow Cytometic Data
As you prepare to publish flow cytometric data, please note that a publishing standard exists for data collection and interpretation. The “Minimum Information about Flow Cytometry Experiments” (MIFlowCyt) has been standardized and can be found in Cytometry Part A, 73A: 926-930 (2008). The publishing groups, Nature Publishing Group and Wiley & Sons, require additional metadata to be provided in supplemental information.
Be prepared! Take a look at these slides to review which information is now required to publish according to the MIFlowCyt standard. You can find the required instrument-specific details as MIFlowCyt information links in the Equipment section of this website.
The Minimum Information about Flow Cytometry Experiments (slideshow pps or available for download)
Acknowledgement of National Cancer Institute (NCI) Support
Any publications generated with support from our National Cancer Institute (NCI) Canter Center Support Grant (CCSG)-supported shared resources, whether institutional or center managed, should cite our CCSG award number in order to comply with National Institutes of Health (NIH) requirements. NIH requires that publications, press releases or other documents that cite results from NIH grant-supported research must also include an acknowledgement of NIH grant support and disclaimer. Since the CCSG constitutes NIH funding, you must acknowledge our NCI CCSG award number P30CA014089 if you have utilized our core facility in conducting the reported research.
Suggested acknowledgement text: “Flow cytometry was performed in the USC Flow Cytometry Facility that is supported in part by the National Cancer Institute Cancer Center Shared Grant award P30CA014089 and the USC Office of the Provost, Dean’s Development Funds, Keck School of Medicine of USC. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Cancer Institute or the National Institutes of Health.”