Sorting: S3e

The BioRad S3e cell sorter is equipped with three lasers having 6 parameter excitation: 405nm (violet); 488nm (blue); 561nm (yellow-green).  We have three different sets of filters for three instrument configurations.

Various 4 color panels can be detected; configuration limitations exist.

The S3e uses sterile sheath buffer.  Samples can be maintained at 4°–42° C (upon request; advance notice required).  Samples may only be received in 12x75mm (5mL) FACS tubes.

Sorting nozzle size: 100um

Sample collection: 1- or 2-way for tubes (12×75 FACS or 1.5mL eppendorf); 1 way to slides ; 1 way 96-well plate assembly (see staff for specialized 96-well plate).

Software: ProSort on Windows 10.  Data access available via USC network.

View BioRad S3e Configuration #1 via FluoroFinder